Something New for Large-Scale Fabrication.

TR Systems LP (TRS) has an original approach to robotic fabrication of high-strength composite shapes. Groups of small, simple, task-specific mobile units undertake the build process. Unit-based systems can fabricate at any scale, with wiring, data lines, sensors, actuators, ducting etc. merged into a single structure.

Regarding our Teaming Robot™  concept, besides this term simply ‘feeling’ better than the current term Swarm Robotics, our Teaming Robot Systems can launch with simple ‘top down’ control, rather than having early commercial success depend on complex interactivity between units.

The TRS mission is to launch and provide long term support for a group of leading-edge startups. Each will have a specific focus – in architecture, landscaping, infrastructure, city spanning environmental envelopes, nature-preserve habitats, floating islands, space stations – no limits here – land, sea, air, space – possibilities as broad as our combined imaginations.

Among other new capabilities, we have a very exciting, broadly useful one. Elastomeric as well as rigid materials can be integrated into a single ‘morphing’ structure, with built-in shape control.

We’re seeking talented people with a deep interest in changing current industrial paradigms to healthier ones. Heart of this enterprise is the generation of highly creative, reality-grounded concepts, directed towards the launch of innovative, well-resourced companies. We envision numerous fast-moving paths for near term commercialization.

Our company follows principles of flexible teaming, and contributions of each participant can be part-time or project based as well as full-time. The word TEAMING is absolutely key for TRS and spin-out companies to form an ever-growing cooperative network.

The TRS launch team worked together in a prior composites-related company that was supported by a mix of private, federal and corporate investors. Besides funding development, process, product and materials innovation, members of the group focused on intellectual property along with commercial product launch and support.


We’d love to work with you.